12/2024 - 02/2025 (3 개월)
UI 디자이너
• Worked on making new watch face designs. • Created 20+ watch faces in total.
12/2024 - 02/2025 (3 개월)
UI 디자이너
• Worked on making new watch face designs. • Created 20+ watch faces in total.
12/2024 - 02/2025 (3 개월)
UI 디자이너
• Worked on making new watch face designs. • Created 20+ watch faces in total.
05/2024 - 08/2024 (4 개월)
UX 디자이너 및 연구자
• Worked as a UX resarcher and designer. • Worked with 3 excellent people and brought an idea to life.
05/2024 - 08/2024 (4 개월)
UX 디자이너 및 연구자
• Worked as a UX resarcher and designer. • Worked with 3 excellent people and brought an idea to life.
05/2024 - 08/2024 (4 개월)
UX 디자이너 및 연구자
• Worked as a UX resarcher and designer. • Worked with 3 excellent people and brought an idea to life.